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thimble with master link
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thimble with master link

For thimble with master link, everyone has different special concerns about it, and what we do is to maximize the product requirements of each customer, so the quality of our thimble with master link has been well received by many customers and enjoyed a good reputation in many countries. Qingdao Waysail Ocean Technology Co., Ltd thimble with master link have characteristic design & practical performance & competitive price, for more information on the thimble with master link, please feel free to contact us.
  • Rope Thimble
    Thimble An insertion into a loop of fiber rope to protect the rope. Mostly the thimble is closed by splicing of the rope. Produced in cast iron or stamped and bent plate for the protection of fibre ropes and hawsers in a connection point of a mooring line. Primarily four types of thimbles are used: K3, K2A, K2B and tubular thimbles. The thimbles are supplied with a product certificate with chemical properties.
  • Mooring Rope Thimble With Oval Ring
    Thimble An insertion into a loop of fiber rope to protect the rope. Mostly the thimble is closed by splicing of the rope. Produced in cast iron or stamped and bent plate for the protection of fibre ropes and hawsers in a connection point of a mooring line. Primarily four types of thimbles are used: K3, K2A, K2B and tubular thimbles. The thimbles are supplied with a product certificate with chemical properties.
  • Rope Terminal DIN6899B Thimble With Master Link Assembly
    Thimble and Master Link Assembly. The thimble serves to protect the rope from abrasion and wear at the eye, while the master link provides a reliable attachment point for the rope. This configuration not only enhances the longevity of the ropes but also simplifies the process of connecting them to other components using shackles, thereby streamlining the overall mooring system setup.
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