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Fishery Hardware
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Fishery Hardware

  • Aquaculture Mooring Shackle
    Shackles are used in lifting and static systems as removable links to connect wire chain, chain and other fittings. Screw pin shackles are mainly used for non-permanent applications. Bolt type shackles are preferably used for long terms or permanent applications and in circumstances where the pin of shackle may rotate during loading.
  • Rope Thimble
    Thimble An insertion into a loop of fiber rope to protect the rope. Mostly the thimble is closed by splicing of the rope. Produced in cast iron or stamped and bent plate for the protection of fibre ropes and hawsers in a connection point of a mooring line. Primarily four types of thimbles are used: K3, K2A, K2B and tubular thimbles. The thimbles are supplied with a product certificate with chemical properties.
  • Master Link
    Master Link also named as mold forged master link, Lamb master link, forging master link, internationally called forged master link, it is a kind of rigging fittings. We use it for aquaculture cage mooring system.
  • Aquaculture Mooring Connection Plate
    Aquaculture mooring connection plate are generally used as central joining points for mooring systems. 
    Dimensions MBL: 50T, 90T, 120T and 140T
    Connection holes: 12 and 16
    Surface: Hot Dip Galvanized
  • Marine Mooring Ring
    Mooring Rings are generally used as central joining points for mooring systems, connected by mooring shackles.
    Nominal Chain Size(mm):  19mm-76mm
    Ring Size:1.6d(Body dia.) x 8d(OD)
    Surface: Black Tar/ H.D.Galvanized
  • Marine Mooring System Triangle Plate/Delta Plate/Connection Plate
    Mooring Rings and Connection Plate are generally used as central joining points for mooring systems.
    WLL: 17Ton-600Ton
    MBL: 85Ton-300Ton
    Surface: Black Tar/ Hot Dip Galvanized
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